Source code for aiohttp.web_fileresponse

import asyncio
import io
import os
import pathlib
import sys
from contextlib import suppress
from enum import Enum, auto
from mimetypes import MimeTypes
from stat import S_ISREG
from types import MappingProxyType
from typing import (  # noqa

from . import hdrs
from .abc import AbstractStreamWriter
from .helpers import ETAG_ANY, ETag, must_be_empty_body
from .typedefs import LooseHeaders, PathLike
from .web_exceptions import (
from .web_response import StreamResponse

__all__ = ("FileResponse",)

    from .web_request import BaseRequest

_T_OnChunkSent = Optional[Callable[[bytes], Awaitable[None]]]

NOSENDFILE: Final[bool] = bool(os.environ.get("AIOHTTP_NOSENDFILE"))

CONTENT_TYPES: Final[MimeTypes] = MimeTypes()

# File extension to IANA encodings map that will be checked in the order defined.
    {ext: CONTENT_TYPES.encodings_map[ext] for ext in (".br", ".gz")}

FALLBACK_CONTENT_TYPE = "application/octet-stream"

# Provide additional MIME type/extension pairs to be recognized.
        "application/gzip": ".gz",
        "application/x-brotli": ".br",
        "application/x-bzip2": ".bz2",
        "application/x-compress": ".Z",
        "application/x-xz": ".xz",

class _FileResponseResult(Enum):
    """The result of the file response."""

    SEND_FILE = auto()  # Ie a regular file to send
    NOT_ACCEPTABLE = auto()  # Ie a socket, or non-regular file
    PRE_CONDITION_FAILED = auto()  # Ie If-Match or If-None-Match failed
    NOT_MODIFIED = auto()  # 304 Not Modified

# Add custom pairs and clear the encodings map so guess_type ignores them.
for content_type, extension in ADDITIONAL_CONTENT_TYPES.items():
    CONTENT_TYPES.add_type(content_type, extension)  # type: ignore[attr-defined]

_CLOSE_FUTURES: Set[asyncio.Future[None]] = set()

[docs] class FileResponse(StreamResponse): """A response object can be used to send files.""" def __init__( self, path: PathLike, chunk_size: int = 256 * 1024, status: int = 200, reason: Optional[str] = None, headers: Optional[LooseHeaders] = None, ) -> None: super().__init__(status=status, reason=reason, headers=headers) self._path = pathlib.Path(path) self._chunk_size = chunk_size def _seek_and_read(self, fobj: IO[Any], offset: int, chunk_size: int) -> bytes: return # type: ignore[no-any-return] async def _sendfile_fallback( self, writer: AbstractStreamWriter, fobj: IO[Any], offset: int, count: int ) -> AbstractStreamWriter: # To keep memory usage low,fobj is transferred in chunks # controlled by the constructor's chunk_size argument. chunk_size = self._chunk_size loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() chunk = await loop.run_in_executor( None, self._seek_and_read, fobj, offset, chunk_size ) while chunk: await writer.write(chunk) count = count - chunk_size if count <= 0: break chunk = await loop.run_in_executor(None,, min(chunk_size, count)) await writer.drain() return writer async def _sendfile( self, request: "BaseRequest", fobj: IO[Any], offset: int, count: int ) -> AbstractStreamWriter: writer = await super().prepare(request) assert writer is not None if NOSENDFILE or self.compression: return await self._sendfile_fallback(writer, fobj, offset, count) loop = request._loop transport = request.transport assert transport is not None try: await loop.sendfile(transport, fobj, offset, count) except NotImplementedError: return await self._sendfile_fallback(writer, fobj, offset, count) await super().write_eof() return writer @staticmethod def _etag_match(etag_value: str, etags: Tuple[ETag, ...], *, weak: bool) -> bool: if len(etags) == 1 and etags[0].value == ETAG_ANY: return True return any( etag.value == etag_value for etag in etags if weak or not etag.is_weak ) async def _not_modified( self, request: "BaseRequest", etag_value: str, last_modified: float ) -> Optional[AbstractStreamWriter]: self.set_status(HTTPNotModified.status_code) self._length_check = False self.etag = etag_value # type: ignore[assignment] self.last_modified = last_modified # type: ignore[assignment] # Delete any Content-Length headers provided by user. HTTP 304 # should always have empty response body return await super().prepare(request) async def _precondition_failed( self, request: "BaseRequest" ) -> Optional[AbstractStreamWriter]: self.set_status(HTTPPreconditionFailed.status_code) self.content_length = 0 return await super().prepare(request) def _make_response( self, request: "BaseRequest", accept_encoding: str ) -> Tuple[ _FileResponseResult, Optional[io.BufferedReader], os.stat_result, Optional[str] ]: """Return the response result, io object, stat result, and encoding. If an uncompressed file is returned, the encoding is set to :py:data:`None`. This method should be called from a thread executor since it calls os.stat which may block. """ file_path, st, file_encoding = self._get_file_path_stat_encoding( accept_encoding ) if not file_path: return _FileResponseResult.NOT_ACCEPTABLE, None, st, None etag_value = f"{st.st_mtime_ns:x}-{st.st_size:x}" # if (ifmatch := request.if_match) is not None and not self._etag_match( etag_value, ifmatch, weak=False ): return _FileResponseResult.PRE_CONDITION_FAILED, None, st, file_encoding if ( (unmodsince := request.if_unmodified_since) is not None and ifmatch is None and st.st_mtime > unmodsince.timestamp() ): return _FileResponseResult.PRE_CONDITION_FAILED, None, st, file_encoding # if (ifnonematch := request.if_none_match) is not None and self._etag_match( etag_value, ifnonematch, weak=True ): return _FileResponseResult.NOT_MODIFIED, None, st, file_encoding if ( (modsince := request.if_modified_since) is not None and ifnonematch is None and st.st_mtime <= modsince.timestamp() ): return _FileResponseResult.NOT_MODIFIED, None, st, file_encoding fobj ="rb") with suppress(OSError): # fstat() may not be available on all platforms # Once we open the file, we want the fstat() to ensure # the file has not changed between the first stat() # and the open(). st = os.stat(fobj.fileno()) return _FileResponseResult.SEND_FILE, fobj, st, file_encoding def _get_file_path_stat_encoding( self, accept_encoding: str ) -> Tuple[Optional[pathlib.Path], os.stat_result, Optional[str]]: file_path = self._path for file_extension, file_encoding in ENCODING_EXTENSIONS.items(): if file_encoding not in accept_encoding: continue compressed_path = file_path.with_suffix(file_path.suffix + file_extension) with suppress(OSError): # Do not follow symlinks and ignore any non-regular files. st = compressed_path.lstat() if S_ISREG(st.st_mode): return compressed_path, st, file_encoding # Fallback to the uncompressed file st = file_path.stat() return file_path if S_ISREG(st.st_mode) else None, st, None async def prepare(self, request: "BaseRequest") -> Optional[AbstractStreamWriter]: loop = asyncio.get_running_loop() # Encoding comparisons should be case-insensitive # accept_encoding = request.headers.get(hdrs.ACCEPT_ENCODING, "").lower() try: response_result, fobj, st, file_encoding = await loop.run_in_executor( None, self._make_response, request, accept_encoding ) except PermissionError: self.set_status(HTTPForbidden.status_code) return await super().prepare(request) except OSError: # Most likely to be FileNotFoundError or OSError for circular # symlinks in python >= 3.13, so respond with 404. self.set_status(HTTPNotFound.status_code) return await super().prepare(request) # Forbid special files like sockets, pipes, devices, etc. if response_result is _FileResponseResult.NOT_ACCEPTABLE: self.set_status(HTTPForbidden.status_code) return await super().prepare(request) if response_result is _FileResponseResult.PRE_CONDITION_FAILED: return await self._precondition_failed(request) if response_result is _FileResponseResult.NOT_MODIFIED: etag_value = f"{st.st_mtime_ns:x}-{st.st_size:x}" last_modified = st.st_mtime return await self._not_modified(request, etag_value, last_modified) assert fobj is not None try: return await self._prepare_open_file(request, fobj, st, file_encoding) finally: # We do not await here because we do not want to wait # for the executor to finish before returning the response # so the connection can begin servicing another request # as soon as possible. close_future = loop.run_in_executor(None, fobj.close) # Hold a strong reference to the future to prevent it from being # garbage collected before it completes. _CLOSE_FUTURES.add(close_future) close_future.add_done_callback(_CLOSE_FUTURES.remove) async def _prepare_open_file( self, request: "BaseRequest", fobj: io.BufferedReader, st: os.stat_result, file_encoding: Optional[str], ) -> Optional[AbstractStreamWriter]: status = self._status file_size: int = st.st_size file_mtime: float = st.st_mtime count: int = file_size start: Optional[int] = None if (ifrange := request.if_range) is None or file_mtime <= ifrange.timestamp(): # If-Range header check: # condition = cached date >= last modification date # return 206 if True else 200. # if False: # Range header would not be processed, return 200 # if True but Range header missing # return 200 try: rng = request.http_range start = rng.start end: Optional[int] = rng.stop except ValueError: # # A server generating a 416 (Range Not Satisfiable) response to # a byte-range request SHOULD send a Content-Range header field # with an unsatisfied-range value. # The complete-length in a 416 response indicates the current # length of the selected representation. # # Will do the same below. Many servers ignore this and do not # send a Content-Range header with HTTP 416 self._headers[hdrs.CONTENT_RANGE] = f"bytes */{file_size}" self.set_status(HTTPRequestRangeNotSatisfiable.status_code) return await super().prepare(request) # If a range request has been made, convert start, end slice # notation into file pointer offset and count if start is not None: if start < 0 and end is None: # return tail of file start += file_size if start < 0: # if Range:bytes=-1000 in request header but file size # is only 200, there would be trouble without this start = 0 count = file_size - start else: # rfc7233:If the last-byte-pos value is # absent, or if the value is greater than or equal to # the current length of the representation data, # the byte range is interpreted as the remainder # of the representation (i.e., the server replaces the # value of last-byte-pos with a value that is one less than # the current length of the selected representation). count = ( min(end if end is not None else file_size, file_size) - start ) if start >= file_size: # HTTP 416 should be returned in this case. # # According to # If a valid byte-range-set includes at least one # byte-range-spec with a first-byte-pos that is less than # the current length of the representation, or at least one # suffix-byte-range-spec with a non-zero suffix-length, # then the byte-range-set is satisfiable. Otherwise, the # byte-range-set is unsatisfiable. self._headers[hdrs.CONTENT_RANGE] = f"bytes */{file_size}" self.set_status(HTTPRequestRangeNotSatisfiable.status_code) return await super().prepare(request) status = HTTPPartialContent.status_code # Even though you are sending the whole file, you should still # return a HTTP 206 for a Range request. self.set_status(status) # If the Content-Type header is not already set, guess it based on the # extension of the request path. The encoding returned by guess_type # can be ignored since the map was cleared above. if hdrs.CONTENT_TYPE not in self._headers: if sys.version_info >= (3, 13): guesser = CONTENT_TYPES.guess_file_type else: guesser = CONTENT_TYPES.guess_type self.content_type = guesser(self._path)[0] or FALLBACK_CONTENT_TYPE if file_encoding: self._headers[hdrs.CONTENT_ENCODING] = file_encoding self._headers[hdrs.VARY] = hdrs.ACCEPT_ENCODING # Disable compression if we are already sending # a compressed file since we don't want to double # compress. self._compression = False self.etag = f"{st.st_mtime_ns:x}-{st.st_size:x}" # type: ignore[assignment] self.last_modified = file_mtime # type: ignore[assignment] self.content_length = count self._headers[hdrs.ACCEPT_RANGES] = "bytes" if status == HTTPPartialContent.status_code: real_start = start assert real_start is not None self._headers[hdrs.CONTENT_RANGE] = "bytes {}-{}/{}".format( real_start, real_start + count - 1, file_size ) # If we are sending 0 bytes calling sendfile() will throw a ValueError if count == 0 or must_be_empty_body(request.method, status): return await super().prepare(request) # be aware that start could be None or int=0 here. offset = start or 0 return await self._sendfile(request, fobj, offset, count)