Source code for aiohttp.client

"""HTTP Client for asyncio."""

import asyncio
import base64
import dataclasses
import hashlib
import json
import os
import sys
import traceback
import warnings
from contextlib import suppress
from types import TracebackType
from typing import (

from multidict import CIMultiDict, MultiDict, MultiDictProxy, istr
from yarl import URL

from . import hdrs, http, payload
from ._websocket.reader import WebSocketDataQueue
from .abc import AbstractCookieJar
from .client_exceptions import (
from .client_reqrep import (
from .client_ws import (
from .connector import (
from .cookiejar import CookieJar
from .helpers import (
from .http import WS_KEY, HttpVersion, WebSocketReader, WebSocketWriter
from .http_websocket import WSHandshakeError, ws_ext_gen, ws_ext_parse
from .tracing import Trace, TraceConfig
from .typedefs import JSONEncoder, LooseCookies, LooseHeaders, Query, StrOrURL

__all__ = (
    # client_exceptions
    # client_reqrep
    # connector
    # client_ws
    # client

    from ssl import SSLContext
    SSLContext = None

if sys.version_info >= (3, 11) and TYPE_CHECKING:
    from typing import Unpack

class _RequestOptions(TypedDict, total=False):
    params: Query
    data: Any
    json: Any
    cookies: Union[LooseCookies, None]
    headers: Union[LooseHeaders, None]
    skip_auto_headers: Union[Iterable[str], None]
    auth: Union[BasicAuth, None]
    allow_redirects: bool
    max_redirects: int
    compress: Union[str, bool]
    chunked: Union[bool, None]
    expect100: bool
    raise_for_status: Union[None, bool, Callable[[ClientResponse], Awaitable[None]]]
    read_until_eof: bool
    proxy: Union[StrOrURL, None]
    proxy_auth: Union[BasicAuth, None]
    timeout: "Union[ClientTimeout, _SENTINEL, None]"
    ssl: Union[SSLContext, bool, Fingerprint]
    server_hostname: Union[str, None]
    proxy_headers: Union[LooseHeaders, None]
    trace_request_ctx: Union[Mapping[str, Any], None]
    read_bufsize: Union[int, None]
    auto_decompress: Union[bool, None]
    max_line_size: Union[int, None]
    max_field_size: Union[int, None]

[docs] @frozen_dataclass_decorator class ClientTimeout: total: Optional[float] = None connect: Optional[float] = None sock_read: Optional[float] = None sock_connect: Optional[float] = None ceil_threshold: float = 5
# pool_queue_timeout: Optional[float] = None # dns_resolution_timeout: Optional[float] = None # socket_connect_timeout: Optional[float] = None # connection_acquiring_timeout: Optional[float] = None # new_connection_timeout: Optional[float] = None # http_header_timeout: Optional[float] = None # response_body_timeout: Optional[float] = None # to create a timeout specific for a single request, either # - create a completely new one to overwrite the default # - or use # to overwrite the defaults # 5 Minute default read timeout DEFAULT_TIMEOUT: Final[ClientTimeout] = ClientTimeout(total=5 * 60, sock_connect=30) # IDEMPOTENT_METHODS = frozenset({"GET", "HEAD", "OPTIONS", "TRACE", "PUT", "DELETE"}) _RetType = TypeVar("_RetType", ClientResponse, ClientWebSocketResponse) _CharsetResolver = Callable[[ClientResponse, bytes], str]
[docs] @final class ClientSession: """First-class interface for making HTTP requests.""" __slots__ = ( "_base_url", "_base_url_origin", "_source_traceback", "_connector", "_loop", "_cookie_jar", "_connector_owner", "_default_auth", "_version", "_json_serialize", "_requote_redirect_url", "_timeout", "_raise_for_status", "_auto_decompress", "_trust_env", "_default_headers", "_skip_auto_headers", "_request_class", "_response_class", "_ws_response_class", "_trace_configs", "_read_bufsize", "_max_line_size", "_max_field_size", "_resolve_charset", "_default_proxy", "_default_proxy_auth", "_retry_connection", ) def __init__( self, base_url: Optional[StrOrURL] = None, *, connector: Optional[BaseConnector] = None, cookies: Optional[LooseCookies] = None, headers: Optional[LooseHeaders] = None, proxy: Optional[StrOrURL] = None, proxy_auth: Optional[BasicAuth] = None, skip_auto_headers: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, auth: Optional[BasicAuth] = None, json_serialize: JSONEncoder = json.dumps, request_class: Type[ClientRequest] = ClientRequest, response_class: Type[ClientResponse] = ClientResponse, ws_response_class: Type[ClientWebSocketResponse] = ClientWebSocketResponse, version: HttpVersion = http.HttpVersion11, cookie_jar: Optional[AbstractCookieJar] = None, connector_owner: bool = True, raise_for_status: Union[ bool, Callable[[ClientResponse], Awaitable[None]] ] = False, timeout: Union[_SENTINEL, ClientTimeout, None] = sentinel, auto_decompress: bool = True, trust_env: bool = False, requote_redirect_url: bool = True, trace_configs: Optional[List[TraceConfig[object]]] = None, read_bufsize: int = 2**16, max_line_size: int = 8190, max_field_size: int = 8190, fallback_charset_resolver: _CharsetResolver = lambda r, b: "utf-8", ) -> None: # We initialise _connector to None immediately, as it's referenced in __del__() # and could cause issues if an exception occurs during initialisation. self._connector: Optional[BaseConnector] = None if base_url is None or isinstance(base_url, URL): self._base_url: Optional[URL] = base_url self._base_url_origin = None if base_url is None else base_url.origin() else: self._base_url = URL(base_url) self._base_url_origin = self._base_url.origin() assert self._base_url.absolute, "Only absolute URLs are supported" if self._base_url is not None and not self._base_url.path.endswith("/"): raise ValueError("base_url must have a trailing '/'") loop = asyncio.get_running_loop() if timeout is sentinel or timeout is None: timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT if not isinstance(timeout, ClientTimeout): raise ValueError( f"timeout parameter cannot be of {type(timeout)} type, " "please use 'timeout=ClientTimeout(...)'", ) self._timeout = timeout if connector is None: connector = TCPConnector() # Initialize these three attrs before raising any exception, # they are used in __del__ self._connector = connector self._loop = loop if loop.get_debug(): self._source_traceback: Optional[traceback.StackSummary] = ( traceback.extract_stack(sys._getframe(1)) ) else: self._source_traceback = None if connector._loop is not loop: raise RuntimeError("Session and connector have to use same event loop") if cookie_jar is None: cookie_jar = CookieJar() self._cookie_jar = cookie_jar if cookies: self._cookie_jar.update_cookies(cookies) self._connector_owner = connector_owner self._default_auth = auth self._version = version self._json_serialize = json_serialize self._raise_for_status = raise_for_status self._auto_decompress = auto_decompress self._trust_env = trust_env self._requote_redirect_url = requote_redirect_url self._read_bufsize = read_bufsize self._max_line_size = max_line_size self._max_field_size = max_field_size # Convert to list of tuples if headers: real_headers: CIMultiDict[str] = CIMultiDict(headers) else: real_headers = CIMultiDict() self._default_headers: CIMultiDict[str] = real_headers if skip_auto_headers is not None: self._skip_auto_headers = frozenset(istr(i) for i in skip_auto_headers) else: self._skip_auto_headers = frozenset() self._request_class = request_class self._response_class = response_class self._ws_response_class = ws_response_class self._trace_configs = trace_configs or [] for trace_config in self._trace_configs: trace_config.freeze() self._resolve_charset = fallback_charset_resolver self._default_proxy = proxy self._default_proxy_auth = proxy_auth self._retry_connection: bool = True def __init_subclass__(cls: Type["ClientSession"]) -> None: raise TypeError( "Inheritance class {} from ClientSession " "is forbidden".format(cls.__name__) ) def __del__(self, _warnings: Any = warnings) -> None: if not self.closed: _warnings.warn( f"Unclosed client session {self!r}", ResourceWarning, source=self, ) context = {"client_session": self, "message": "Unclosed client session"} if self._source_traceback is not None: context["source_traceback"] = self._source_traceback self._loop.call_exception_handler(context) if sys.version_info >= (3, 11) and TYPE_CHECKING: def request( self, method: str, url: StrOrURL, **kwargs: Unpack[_RequestOptions], ) -> "_RequestContextManager": ... else:
[docs] def request( self, method: str, url: StrOrURL, **kwargs: Any ) -> "_RequestContextManager": """Perform HTTP request.""" return _RequestContextManager(self._request(method, url, **kwargs))
def _build_url(self, str_or_url: StrOrURL) -> URL: url = URL(str_or_url) if self._base_url and not url.absolute: return self._base_url.join(url) return url async def _request( self, method: str, str_or_url: StrOrURL, *, params: Query = None, data: Any = None, json: Any = None, cookies: Optional[LooseCookies] = None, headers: Optional[LooseHeaders] = None, skip_auto_headers: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, auth: Optional[BasicAuth] = None, allow_redirects: bool = True, max_redirects: int = 10, compress: Union[str, bool] = False, chunked: Optional[bool] = None, expect100: bool = False, raise_for_status: Union[ None, bool, Callable[[ClientResponse], Awaitable[None]] ] = None, read_until_eof: bool = True, proxy: Optional[StrOrURL] = None, proxy_auth: Optional[BasicAuth] = None, timeout: Union[ClientTimeout, _SENTINEL, None] = sentinel, ssl: Union[SSLContext, bool, Fingerprint] = True, server_hostname: Optional[str] = None, proxy_headers: Optional[LooseHeaders] = None, trace_request_ctx: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None, read_bufsize: Optional[int] = None, auto_decompress: Optional[bool] = None, max_line_size: Optional[int] = None, max_field_size: Optional[int] = None, ) -> ClientResponse: # NOTE: timeout clamps existing connect and read timeouts. We cannot # set the default to None because we need to detect if the user wants # to use the existing timeouts by setting timeout to None. if self.closed: raise RuntimeError("Session is closed") if not isinstance(ssl, SSL_ALLOWED_TYPES): raise TypeError( "ssl should be SSLContext, Fingerprint, or bool, " "got {!r} instead.".format(ssl) ) if data is not None and json is not None: raise ValueError( "data and json parameters can not be used at the same time" ) elif json is not None: data = payload.JsonPayload(json, dumps=self._json_serialize) redirects = 0 history: List[ClientResponse] = [] version = self._version params = params or {} # Merge with default headers and transform to CIMultiDict headers = self._prepare_headers(headers) try: url = self._build_url(str_or_url) except ValueError as e: raise InvalidUrlClientError(str_or_url) from e assert self._connector is not None if url.scheme not in self._connector.allowed_protocol_schema_set: raise NonHttpUrlClientError(url) skip_headers: Optional[Iterable[istr]] if skip_auto_headers is not None: skip_headers = { istr(i) for i in skip_auto_headers } | self._skip_auto_headers elif self._skip_auto_headers: skip_headers = self._skip_auto_headers else: skip_headers = None if proxy is None: proxy = self._default_proxy if proxy_auth is None: proxy_auth = self._default_proxy_auth if proxy is None: proxy_headers = None else: proxy_headers = self._prepare_headers(proxy_headers) try: proxy = URL(proxy) except ValueError as e: raise InvalidURL(proxy) from e if timeout is sentinel or timeout is None: real_timeout: ClientTimeout = self._timeout else: real_timeout = timeout # timeout is cumulative for all request operations # (request, redirects, responses, data consuming) tm = TimeoutHandle( self._loop,, ceil_threshold=real_timeout.ceil_threshold ) handle = tm.start() if read_bufsize is None: read_bufsize = self._read_bufsize if auto_decompress is None: auto_decompress = self._auto_decompress if max_line_size is None: max_line_size = self._max_line_size if max_field_size is None: max_field_size = self._max_field_size traces = [ Trace( self, trace_config, trace_config.trace_config_ctx(trace_request_ctx=trace_request_ctx), ) for trace_config in self._trace_configs ] for trace in traces: await trace.send_request_start(method, url.update_query(params), headers) timer = tm.timer() try: with timer: # retry_persistent_connection = ( self._retry_connection and method in IDEMPOTENT_METHODS ) while True: url, auth_from_url = strip_auth_from_url(url) if not url.raw_host: # NOTE: Bail early, otherwise, causes `InvalidURL` through # NOTE: `self._request_class()` below. err_exc_cls = ( InvalidUrlRedirectClientError if redirects else InvalidUrlClientError ) raise err_exc_cls(url) # If `auth` was passed for an already authenticated URL, # disallow only if this is the initial URL; this is to avoid issues # with sketchy redirects that are not the caller's responsibility if not history and (auth and auth_from_url): raise ValueError( "Cannot combine AUTH argument with " "credentials encoded in URL" ) # Override the auth with the one from the URL only if we # have no auth, or if we got an auth from a redirect URL if auth is None or (history and auth_from_url is not None): auth = auth_from_url if ( auth is None and self._default_auth and ( not self._base_url or self._base_url_origin == url.origin() ) ): auth = self._default_auth # It would be confusing if we support explicit # Authorization header with auth argument if auth is not None and hdrs.AUTHORIZATION in headers: raise ValueError( "Cannot combine AUTHORIZATION header " "with AUTH argument or credentials " "encoded in URL" ) all_cookies = self._cookie_jar.filter_cookies(url) if cookies is not None: tmp_cookie_jar = CookieJar( quote_cookie=self._cookie_jar.quote_cookie ) tmp_cookie_jar.update_cookies(cookies) req_cookies = tmp_cookie_jar.filter_cookies(url) if req_cookies: all_cookies.load(req_cookies) if proxy is not None: proxy = URL(proxy) elif self._trust_env: with suppress(LookupError): proxy, proxy_auth = get_env_proxy_for_url(url) req = self._request_class( method, url, params=params, headers=headers, skip_auto_headers=skip_headers, data=data, cookies=all_cookies, auth=auth, version=version, compress=compress, chunked=chunked, expect100=expect100, loop=self._loop, response_class=self._response_class, proxy=proxy, proxy_auth=proxy_auth, timer=timer, session=self, ssl=ssl, server_hostname=server_hostname, proxy_headers=proxy_headers, traces=traces, trust_env=self.trust_env, ) # connection timeout try: conn = await self._connector.connect( req, traces=traces, timeout=real_timeout ) except asyncio.TimeoutError as exc: raise ConnectionTimeoutError( f"Connection timeout to host {url}" ) from exc assert conn.transport is not None assert conn.protocol is not None conn.protocol.set_response_params( timer=timer, skip_payload=method in EMPTY_BODY_METHODS, read_until_eof=read_until_eof, auto_decompress=auto_decompress, read_timeout=real_timeout.sock_read, read_bufsize=read_bufsize, timeout_ceil_threshold=self._connector._timeout_ceil_threshold, max_line_size=max_line_size, max_field_size=max_field_size, ) try: try: resp = await req.send(conn) try: await resp.start(conn) except BaseException: resp.close() raise except BaseException: conn.close() raise except (ClientOSError, ServerDisconnectedError): if retry_persistent_connection: retry_persistent_connection = False continue raise except ClientError: raise except OSError as exc: if exc.errno is None and isinstance(exc, asyncio.TimeoutError): raise raise ClientOSError(*exc.args) from exc if cookies := resp._cookies: self._cookie_jar.update_cookies(cookies, resp.url) # redirects if resp.status in (301, 302, 303, 307, 308) and allow_redirects: for trace in traces: await trace.send_request_redirect( method, url.update_query(params), headers, resp ) redirects += 1 history.append(resp) if max_redirects and redirects >= max_redirects: resp.close() raise TooManyRedirects( history[0].request_info, tuple(history) ) # For 301 and 302, mimic IE, now changed in RFC # if (resp.status == 303 and resp.method != hdrs.METH_HEAD) or ( resp.status in (301, 302) and resp.method == hdrs.METH_POST ): method = hdrs.METH_GET data = None if headers.get(hdrs.CONTENT_LENGTH): headers.pop(hdrs.CONTENT_LENGTH) r_url = resp.headers.get(hdrs.LOCATION) or resp.headers.get( hdrs.URI ) if r_url is None: # see break else: # reading from correct redirection # response is forbidden resp.release() try: parsed_redirect_url = URL( r_url, encoded=not self._requote_redirect_url ) except ValueError as e: raise InvalidUrlRedirectClientError( r_url, "Server attempted redirecting to a location that does not look like a URL", ) from e scheme = parsed_redirect_url.scheme if scheme not in HTTP_AND_EMPTY_SCHEMA_SET: resp.close() raise NonHttpUrlRedirectClientError(r_url) elif not scheme: parsed_redirect_url = url.join(parsed_redirect_url) is_same_host_https_redirect = ( == and parsed_redirect_url.scheme == "https" and url.scheme == "http" ) try: redirect_origin = parsed_redirect_url.origin() except ValueError as origin_val_err: raise InvalidUrlRedirectClientError( parsed_redirect_url, "Invalid redirect URL origin", ) from origin_val_err if ( not is_same_host_https_redirect and url.origin() != redirect_origin ): auth = None headers.pop(hdrs.AUTHORIZATION, None) url = parsed_redirect_url params = {} resp.release() continue break # check response status if raise_for_status is None: raise_for_status = self._raise_for_status if raise_for_status is None: pass elif callable(raise_for_status): await raise_for_status(resp) elif raise_for_status: resp.raise_for_status() # register connection if handle is not None: if resp.connection is not None: resp.connection.add_callback(handle.cancel) else: handle.cancel() resp._history = tuple(history) for trace in traces: await trace.send_request_end( method, url.update_query(params), headers, resp ) return resp except BaseException as e: # cleanup timer tm.close() if handle: handle.cancel() handle = None for trace in traces: await trace.send_request_exception( method, url.update_query(params), headers, e ) raise
[docs] def ws_connect( self, url: StrOrURL, *, method: str = hdrs.METH_GET, protocols: Collection[str] = (), timeout: Union[ClientWSTimeout, _SENTINEL] = sentinel, receive_timeout: Optional[float] = None, autoclose: bool = True, autoping: bool = True, heartbeat: Optional[float] = None, auth: Optional[BasicAuth] = None, origin: Optional[str] = None, params: Query = None, headers: Optional[LooseHeaders] = None, proxy: Optional[StrOrURL] = None, proxy_auth: Optional[BasicAuth] = None, ssl: Union[SSLContext, bool, Fingerprint] = True, server_hostname: Optional[str] = None, proxy_headers: Optional[LooseHeaders] = None, compress: int = 0, max_msg_size: int = 4 * 1024 * 1024, ) -> "_WSRequestContextManager": """Initiate websocket connection.""" return _WSRequestContextManager( self._ws_connect( url, method=method, protocols=protocols, timeout=timeout, receive_timeout=receive_timeout, autoclose=autoclose, autoping=autoping, heartbeat=heartbeat, auth=auth, origin=origin, params=params, headers=headers, proxy=proxy, proxy_auth=proxy_auth, ssl=ssl, server_hostname=server_hostname, proxy_headers=proxy_headers, compress=compress, max_msg_size=max_msg_size, ) )
async def _ws_connect( self, url: StrOrURL, *, method: str = hdrs.METH_GET, protocols: Collection[str] = (), timeout: Union[ClientWSTimeout, _SENTINEL] = sentinel, receive_timeout: Optional[float] = None, autoclose: bool = True, autoping: bool = True, heartbeat: Optional[float] = None, auth: Optional[BasicAuth] = None, origin: Optional[str] = None, params: Query = None, headers: Optional[LooseHeaders] = None, proxy: Optional[StrOrURL] = None, proxy_auth: Optional[BasicAuth] = None, ssl: Union[SSLContext, bool, Fingerprint] = True, server_hostname: Optional[str] = None, proxy_headers: Optional[LooseHeaders] = None, compress: int = 0, max_msg_size: int = 4 * 1024 * 1024, ) -> ClientWebSocketResponse: if timeout is not sentinel: if isinstance(timeout, ClientWSTimeout): ws_timeout = timeout else: warnings.warn( # type: ignore[unreachable] "parameter 'timeout' of type 'float' " "is deprecated, please use " "'timeout=ClientWSTimeout(ws_close=...)'", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) ws_timeout = ClientWSTimeout(ws_close=timeout) else: ws_timeout = DEFAULT_WS_CLIENT_TIMEOUT if receive_timeout is not None: warnings.warn( "float parameter 'receive_timeout' " "is deprecated, please use parameter " "'timeout=ClientWSTimeout(ws_receive=...)'", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) ws_timeout = dataclasses.replace(ws_timeout, ws_receive=receive_timeout) if headers is None: real_headers: CIMultiDict[str] = CIMultiDict() else: real_headers = CIMultiDict(headers) default_headers = { hdrs.UPGRADE: "websocket", hdrs.CONNECTION: "Upgrade", hdrs.SEC_WEBSOCKET_VERSION: "13", } for key, value in default_headers.items(): real_headers.setdefault(key, value) sec_key = base64.b64encode(os.urandom(16)) real_headers[hdrs.SEC_WEBSOCKET_KEY] = sec_key.decode() if protocols: real_headers[hdrs.SEC_WEBSOCKET_PROTOCOL] = ",".join(protocols) if origin is not None: real_headers[hdrs.ORIGIN] = origin if compress: extstr = ws_ext_gen(compress=compress) real_headers[hdrs.SEC_WEBSOCKET_EXTENSIONS] = extstr if not isinstance(ssl, SSL_ALLOWED_TYPES): raise TypeError( "ssl should be SSLContext, Fingerprint, or bool, " "got {!r} instead.".format(ssl) ) # send request resp = await self.request( method, url, params=params, headers=real_headers, read_until_eof=False, auth=auth, proxy=proxy, proxy_auth=proxy_auth, ssl=ssl, server_hostname=server_hostname, proxy_headers=proxy_headers, ) try: # check handshake if resp.status != 101: raise WSServerHandshakeError( resp.request_info, resp.history, message="Invalid response status", status=resp.status, headers=resp.headers, ) if resp.headers.get(hdrs.UPGRADE, "").lower() != "websocket": raise WSServerHandshakeError( resp.request_info, resp.history, message="Invalid upgrade header", status=resp.status, headers=resp.headers, ) if resp.headers.get(hdrs.CONNECTION, "").lower() != "upgrade": raise WSServerHandshakeError( resp.request_info, resp.history, message="Invalid connection header", status=resp.status, headers=resp.headers, ) # key calculation r_key = resp.headers.get(hdrs.SEC_WEBSOCKET_ACCEPT, "") match = base64.b64encode(hashlib.sha1(sec_key + WS_KEY).digest()).decode() if r_key != match: raise WSServerHandshakeError( resp.request_info, resp.history, message="Invalid challenge response", status=resp.status, headers=resp.headers, ) # websocket protocol protocol = None if protocols and hdrs.SEC_WEBSOCKET_PROTOCOL in resp.headers: resp_protocols = [ proto.strip() for proto in resp.headers[hdrs.SEC_WEBSOCKET_PROTOCOL].split(",") ] for proto in resp_protocols: if proto in protocols: protocol = proto break # websocket compress notakeover = False if compress: compress_hdrs = resp.headers.get(hdrs.SEC_WEBSOCKET_EXTENSIONS) if compress_hdrs: try: compress, notakeover = ws_ext_parse(compress_hdrs) except WSHandshakeError as exc: raise WSServerHandshakeError( resp.request_info, resp.history, message=exc.args[0], status=resp.status, headers=resp.headers, ) from exc else: compress = 0 notakeover = False conn = resp.connection assert conn is not None conn_proto = conn.protocol assert conn_proto is not None # For WS connection the read_timeout must be either ws_timeout.ws_receive or greater # None == no timeout, i.e. infinite timeout, so None is the max timeout possible if ws_timeout.ws_receive is None: # Reset regardless conn_proto.read_timeout = None elif conn_proto.read_timeout is not None: conn_proto.read_timeout = max( ws_timeout.ws_receive, conn_proto.read_timeout ) transport = conn.transport assert transport is not None reader = WebSocketDataQueue(conn_proto, 2**16, loop=self._loop) conn_proto.set_parser(WebSocketReader(reader, max_msg_size), reader) writer = WebSocketWriter( conn_proto, transport, use_mask=True, compress=compress, notakeover=notakeover, ) except BaseException: resp.close() raise else: return self._ws_response_class( reader, writer, protocol, resp, ws_timeout, autoclose, autoping, self._loop, heartbeat=heartbeat, compress=compress, client_notakeover=notakeover, ) def _prepare_headers(self, headers: Optional[LooseHeaders]) -> "CIMultiDict[str]": """Add default headers and transform it to CIMultiDict""" # Convert headers to MultiDict result = CIMultiDict(self._default_headers) if headers: if not isinstance(headers, (MultiDictProxy, MultiDict)): headers = CIMultiDict(headers) added_names: Set[str] = set() for key, value in headers.items(): if key in added_names: result.add(key, value) else: result[key] = value added_names.add(key) return result if sys.version_info >= (3, 11) and TYPE_CHECKING: def get( self, url: StrOrURL, **kwargs: Unpack[_RequestOptions], ) -> "_RequestContextManager": ... def options( self, url: StrOrURL, **kwargs: Unpack[_RequestOptions], ) -> "_RequestContextManager": ... def head( self, url: StrOrURL, **kwargs: Unpack[_RequestOptions], ) -> "_RequestContextManager": ... def post( self, url: StrOrURL, **kwargs: Unpack[_RequestOptions], ) -> "_RequestContextManager": ... def put( self, url: StrOrURL, **kwargs: Unpack[_RequestOptions], ) -> "_RequestContextManager": ... def patch( self, url: StrOrURL, **kwargs: Unpack[_RequestOptions], ) -> "_RequestContextManager": ... def delete( self, url: StrOrURL, **kwargs: Unpack[_RequestOptions], ) -> "_RequestContextManager": ... else:
[docs] def get( self, url: StrOrURL, *, allow_redirects: bool = True, **kwargs: Any ) -> "_RequestContextManager": """Perform HTTP GET request.""" return _RequestContextManager( self._request( hdrs.METH_GET, url, allow_redirects=allow_redirects, **kwargs ) )
[docs] def options( self, url: StrOrURL, *, allow_redirects: bool = True, **kwargs: Any ) -> "_RequestContextManager": """Perform HTTP OPTIONS request.""" return _RequestContextManager( self._request( hdrs.METH_OPTIONS, url, allow_redirects=allow_redirects, **kwargs ) )
[docs] def head( self, url: StrOrURL, *, allow_redirects: bool = False, **kwargs: Any ) -> "_RequestContextManager": """Perform HTTP HEAD request.""" return _RequestContextManager( self._request( hdrs.METH_HEAD, url, allow_redirects=allow_redirects, **kwargs ) )
[docs] def post( self, url: StrOrURL, *, data: Any = None, **kwargs: Any ) -> "_RequestContextManager": """Perform HTTP POST request.""" return _RequestContextManager( self._request(hdrs.METH_POST, url, data=data, **kwargs) )
[docs] def put( self, url: StrOrURL, *, data: Any = None, **kwargs: Any ) -> "_RequestContextManager": """Perform HTTP PUT request.""" return _RequestContextManager( self._request(hdrs.METH_PUT, url, data=data, **kwargs) )
[docs] def patch( self, url: StrOrURL, *, data: Any = None, **kwargs: Any ) -> "_RequestContextManager": """Perform HTTP PATCH request.""" return _RequestContextManager( self._request(hdrs.METH_PATCH, url, data=data, **kwargs) )
[docs] def delete(self, url: StrOrURL, **kwargs: Any) -> "_RequestContextManager": """Perform HTTP DELETE request.""" return _RequestContextManager( self._request(hdrs.METH_DELETE, url, **kwargs) )
[docs] async def close(self) -> None: """Close underlying connector. Release all acquired resources. """ if not self.closed: if self._connector is not None and self._connector_owner: await self._connector.close() self._connector = None
@property def closed(self) -> bool: """Is client session closed. A readonly property. """ return self._connector is None or self._connector.closed @property def connector(self) -> Optional[BaseConnector]: """Connector instance used for the session.""" return self._connector @property def cookie_jar(self) -> AbstractCookieJar: """The session cookies.""" return self._cookie_jar @property def version(self) -> Tuple[int, int]: """The session HTTP protocol version.""" return self._version @property def requote_redirect_url(self) -> bool: """Do URL requoting on redirection handling.""" return self._requote_redirect_url @property def timeout(self) -> ClientTimeout: """Timeout for the session.""" return self._timeout @property def headers(self) -> "CIMultiDict[str]": """The default headers of the client session.""" return self._default_headers @property def skip_auto_headers(self) -> FrozenSet[istr]: """Headers for which autogeneration should be skipped""" return self._skip_auto_headers @property def auth(self) -> Optional[BasicAuth]: """An object that represents HTTP Basic Authorization""" return self._default_auth @property def json_serialize(self) -> JSONEncoder: """Json serializer callable""" return self._json_serialize @property def connector_owner(self) -> bool: """Should connector be closed on session closing""" return self._connector_owner @property def raise_for_status( self, ) -> Union[bool, Callable[[ClientResponse], Awaitable[None]]]: """Should `ClientResponse.raise_for_status()` be called for each response.""" return self._raise_for_status @property def auto_decompress(self) -> bool: """Should the body response be automatically decompressed.""" return self._auto_decompress @property def trust_env(self) -> bool: """ Should proxies information from environment or netrc be trusted. Information is from HTTP_PROXY / HTTPS_PROXY environment variables or ~/.netrc file if present. """ return self._trust_env @property def trace_configs(self) -> List[TraceConfig[Any]]: """A list of TraceConfig instances used for client tracing""" return self._trace_configs
[docs] def detach(self) -> None: """Detach connector from session without closing the former. Session is switched to closed state anyway. """ self._connector = None
async def __aenter__(self) -> "ClientSession": return self async def __aexit__( self, exc_type: Optional[Type[BaseException]], exc_val: Optional[BaseException], exc_tb: Optional[TracebackType], ) -> None: await self.close()
class _BaseRequestContextManager(Coroutine[Any, Any, _RetType], Generic[_RetType]): __slots__ = ("_coro", "_resp") def __init__(self, coro: Coroutine["asyncio.Future[Any]", None, _RetType]) -> None: self._coro: Coroutine["asyncio.Future[Any]", None, _RetType] = coro def send(self, arg: None) -> "asyncio.Future[Any]": return self._coro.send(arg) def throw(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> "asyncio.Future[Any]": return self._coro.throw(*args, **kwargs) def close(self) -> None: return self._coro.close() def __await__(self) -> Generator[Any, None, _RetType]: ret = self._coro.__await__() return ret def __iter__(self) -> Generator[Any, None, _RetType]: return self.__await__() async def __aenter__(self) -> _RetType: self._resp: _RetType = await self._coro return await self._resp.__aenter__() async def __aexit__( self, exc_type: Optional[Type[BaseException]], exc: Optional[BaseException], tb: Optional[TracebackType], ) -> None: await self._resp.__aexit__(exc_type, exc, tb) _RequestContextManager = _BaseRequestContextManager[ClientResponse] _WSRequestContextManager = _BaseRequestContextManager[ClientWebSocketResponse] class _SessionRequestContextManager: __slots__ = ("_coro", "_resp", "_session") def __init__( self, coro: Coroutine["asyncio.Future[Any]", None, ClientResponse], session: ClientSession, ) -> None: self._coro = coro self._resp: Optional[ClientResponse] = None self._session = session async def __aenter__(self) -> ClientResponse: try: self._resp = await self._coro except BaseException: await self._session.close() raise else: return self._resp async def __aexit__( self, exc_type: Optional[Type[BaseException]], exc: Optional[BaseException], tb: Optional[TracebackType], ) -> None: assert self._resp is not None self._resp.close() await self._session.close() if sys.version_info >= (3, 11) and TYPE_CHECKING: def request( method: str, url: StrOrURL, *, version: HttpVersion = http.HttpVersion11, connector: Optional[BaseConnector] = None, **kwargs: Unpack[_RequestOptions], ) -> _SessionRequestContextManager: ... else:
[docs] def request( method: str, url: StrOrURL, *, version: HttpVersion = http.HttpVersion11, connector: Optional[BaseConnector] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> _SessionRequestContextManager: """Constructs and sends a request. Returns response object. method - HTTP method url - request url params - (optional) Dictionary or bytes to be sent in the query string of the new request data - (optional) Dictionary, bytes, or file-like object to send in the body of the request json - (optional) Any json compatible python object headers - (optional) Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the request cookies - (optional) Dict object to send with the request auth - (optional) BasicAuth named tuple represent HTTP Basic Auth auth - aiohttp.helpers.BasicAuth allow_redirects - (optional) If set to False, do not follow redirects version - Request HTTP version. compress - Set to True if request has to be compressed with deflate encoding. chunked - Set to chunk size for chunked transfer encoding. expect100 - Expect 100-continue response from server. connector - BaseConnector sub-class instance to support connection pooling. read_until_eof - Read response until eof if response does not have Content-Length header. loop - Optional event loop. timeout - Optional ClientTimeout settings structure, 5min total timeout by default. Usage:: >>> import aiohttp >>> async with aiohttp.request('GET', '') as resp: ... print(resp) ... data = await <ClientResponse( [200 OK]> """ connector_owner = False if connector is None: connector_owner = True connector = TCPConnector(force_close=True) session = ClientSession( cookies=kwargs.pop("cookies", None), version=version, timeout=kwargs.pop("timeout", sentinel), connector=connector, connector_owner=connector_owner, ) return _SessionRequestContextManager( session._request(method, url, **kwargs), session, )