.. _aiohttp-abc: Abstract Base Classes ===================== .. module:: aiohttp.abc Abstract routing ---------------- aiohttp has abstract classes for managing web interfaces. The most part of :mod:`aiohttp.web` is not intended to be inherited but few of them are. aiohttp.web is built on top of few concepts: *application*, *router*, *request* and *response*. *router* is a *plugable* part: a library user may build a *router* from scratch, all other parts should work with new router seamlessly. :class:`AbstractRouter` has the only mandatory method: :meth:`AbstractRouter.resolve` coroutine. It must return an :class:`AbstractMatchInfo` instance. If the requested URL handler is found :meth:`AbstractMatchInfo.handler` is a :term:`web-handler` for requested URL and :attr:`AbstractMatchInfo.http_exception` is ``None``. Otherwise :attr:`AbstractMatchInfo.http_exception` is an instance of :exc:`~aiohttp.web.HTTPException` like *404: NotFound* or *405: Method Not Allowed*. :meth:`AbstractMatchInfo.handler` raises :attr:`~AbstractMatchInfo.http_exception` on call. .. class:: aiohttp.abc.AbstractRouter Abstract router, :class:`aiohttp.web.Application` accepts it as *router* parameter and returns as :attr:`aiohttp.web.Application.router`. .. coroutinemethod:: resolve(request) Performs URL resolving. It's an abstract method, should be overridden in *router* implementation. :param request: :class:`aiohttp.web.Request` instance for resolving, the request has :attr:`aiohttp.web.Request.match_info` equals to ``None`` at resolving stage. :return: :class:`AbstractMatchInfo` instance. .. class:: aiohttp.abc.AbstractMatchInfo Abstract *match info*, returned by :meth:`AbstractRouter.resolve` call. .. attribute:: http_exception :exc:`aiohttp.web.HTTPException` if no match was found, ``None`` otherwise. .. coroutinemethod:: handler(request) Abstract method performing :term:`web-handler` processing. :param request: :class:`aiohttp.web.Request` instance for resolving, the request has :attr:`aiohttp.web.Request.match_info` equals to ``None`` at resolving stage. :return: :class:`aiohttp.web.StreamResponse` or descendants. :raise: :class:`aiohttp.web.HTTPException` on error .. coroutinemethod:: expect_handler(request) Abstract method for handling *100-continue* processing. Abstract Class Based Views -------------------------- For *class based view* support aiohttp has abstract :class:`AbstractView` class which is *awaitable* (may be uses like ``await Cls()`` or ``yield from Cls()`` and has a *request* as an attribute. .. class:: AbstractView An abstract class, base for all *class based views* implementations. Methods ``__iter__`` and ``__await__`` should be overridden. .. attribute:: request :class:`aiohttp.web.Request` instance for performing the request. Abstract Cookie Jar ------------------- .. class:: aiohttp.abc.AbstractCookieJar The cookie jar instance is available as :attr:`ClientSession.cookie_jar`. The jar contains :class:`~http.cookies.Morsel` items for storing internal cookie data. API provides a count of saved cookies:: len(session.cookie_jar) These cookies may be iterated over:: for cookie in session.cookie_jar: print(cookie.key) print(cookie["domain"]) An abstract class for cookie storage. Implements :class:`collections.abc.Iterable` and :class:`collections.abc.Sized`. .. method:: update_cookies(cookies, response_url=None) Update cookies returned by server in ``Set-Cookie`` header. :param cookies: a :class:`collections.abc.Mapping` (e.g. :class:`dict`, :class:`~http.cookies.SimpleCookie`) or *iterable* of *pairs* with cookies returned by server's response. :param str response_url: URL of response, ``None`` for *shared cookies*. Regular cookies are coupled with server's URL and are sent only to this server, shared ones are sent in every client request. .. method:: filter_cookies(request_url) Return jar's cookies acceptable for URL and available in ``Cookie`` header for sending client requests for given URL. :param str response_url: request's URL for which cookies are asked. :return: :class:`http.cookies.SimpleCookie` with filtered cookies for given URL. Abstract Abstract Access Logger ------------------------------- .. class:: aiohttp.abc.AbstractAccessLogger An abstract class, base for all :class:`RequestHandler` ``access_logger`` implementations Method ``log`` should be overridden. .. method:: log(request, response, time) :param request: :class:`aiohttp.web.Request` object. :param response: :class:`aiohttp.web.Response` object. :param float time: Time taken to serve the request.