Source code for aiohttp.client_ws

"""WebSocket client for asyncio."""

import asyncio
import sys
from types import TracebackType
from typing import Any, Optional, Type, cast

import attr

from ._websocket.reader import WebSocketDataQueue
from .client_exceptions import ClientError, ServerTimeoutError, WSMessageTypeError
from .client_reqrep import ClientResponse
from .helpers import calculate_timeout_when, set_result
from .http import (
from .http_websocket import _INTERNAL_RECEIVE_TYPES, WebSocketWriter
from .streams import EofStream
from .typedefs import (

if sys.version_info >= (3, 11):
    import asyncio as async_timeout
    import async_timeout

[docs] @attr.s(frozen=True, slots=True) class ClientWSTimeout: ws_receive = attr.ib(type=Optional[float], default=None) ws_close = attr.ib(type=Optional[float], default=None)
DEFAULT_WS_CLIENT_TIMEOUT = ClientWSTimeout(ws_receive=None, ws_close=10.0)
[docs] class ClientWebSocketResponse: def __init__( self, reader: WebSocketDataQueue, writer: WebSocketWriter, protocol: Optional[str], response: ClientResponse, timeout: ClientWSTimeout, autoclose: bool, autoping: bool, loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop, *, heartbeat: Optional[float] = None, compress: int = 0, client_notakeover: bool = False, ) -> None: self._response = response self._conn = response.connection self._writer = writer self._reader = reader self._protocol = protocol self._closed = False self._closing = False self._close_code: Optional[int] = None self._timeout = timeout self._autoclose = autoclose self._autoping = autoping self._heartbeat = heartbeat self._heartbeat_cb: Optional[asyncio.TimerHandle] = None self._heartbeat_when: float = 0.0 if heartbeat is not None: self._pong_heartbeat = heartbeat / 2.0 self._pong_response_cb: Optional[asyncio.TimerHandle] = None self._loop = loop self._waiting: bool = False self._close_wait: Optional[asyncio.Future[None]] = None self._exception: Optional[BaseException] = None self._compress = compress self._client_notakeover = client_notakeover self._ping_task: Optional[asyncio.Task[None]] = None self._reset_heartbeat() def _cancel_heartbeat(self) -> None: self._cancel_pong_response_cb() if self._heartbeat_cb is not None: self._heartbeat_cb.cancel() self._heartbeat_cb = None if self._ping_task is not None: self._ping_task.cancel() self._ping_task = None def _cancel_pong_response_cb(self) -> None: if self._pong_response_cb is not None: self._pong_response_cb.cancel() self._pong_response_cb = None def _reset_heartbeat(self) -> None: if self._heartbeat is None: return self._cancel_pong_response_cb() loop = self._loop assert loop is not None conn = self._conn timeout_ceil_threshold = ( conn._connector._timeout_ceil_threshold if conn is not None else 5 ) now = loop.time() when = calculate_timeout_when(now, self._heartbeat, timeout_ceil_threshold) self._heartbeat_when = when if self._heartbeat_cb is None: # We do not cancel the previous heartbeat_cb here because # it generates a significant amount of TimerHandle churn # which causes asyncio to rebuild the heap frequently. # Instead _send_heartbeat() will reschedule the next # heartbeat if it fires too early. self._heartbeat_cb = loop.call_at(when, self._send_heartbeat) def _send_heartbeat(self) -> None: self._heartbeat_cb = None loop = self._loop now = loop.time() if now < self._heartbeat_when: # Heartbeat fired too early, reschedule self._heartbeat_cb = loop.call_at( self._heartbeat_when, self._send_heartbeat ) return conn = self._conn timeout_ceil_threshold = ( conn._connector._timeout_ceil_threshold if conn is not None else 5 ) when = calculate_timeout_when(now, self._pong_heartbeat, timeout_ceil_threshold) self._cancel_pong_response_cb() self._pong_response_cb = loop.call_at(when, self._pong_not_received) coro = self._writer.send_frame(b"", WSMsgType.PING) if sys.version_info >= (3, 12): # Optimization for Python 3.12, try to send the ping # immediately to avoid having to schedule # the task on the event loop. ping_task = asyncio.Task(coro, loop=loop, eager_start=True) else: ping_task = loop.create_task(coro) if not ping_task.done(): self._ping_task = ping_task ping_task.add_done_callback(self._ping_task_done) else: self._ping_task_done(ping_task) def _ping_task_done(self, task: "asyncio.Task[None]") -> None: """Callback for when the ping task completes.""" if not task.cancelled() and (exc := task.exception()): self._handle_ping_pong_exception(exc) self._ping_task = None def _pong_not_received(self) -> None: self._handle_ping_pong_exception(ServerTimeoutError()) def _handle_ping_pong_exception(self, exc: BaseException) -> None: """Handle exceptions raised during ping/pong processing.""" if self._closed: return self._set_closed() self._close_code = WSCloseCode.ABNORMAL_CLOSURE self._exception = exc self._response.close() if self._waiting and not self._closing: self._reader.feed_data(WSMessage(WSMsgType.ERROR, exc, None), 0) def _set_closed(self) -> None: """Set the connection to closed. Cancel any heartbeat timers and set the closed flag. """ self._closed = True self._cancel_heartbeat() def _set_closing(self) -> None: """Set the connection to closing. Cancel any heartbeat timers and set the closing flag. """ self._closing = True self._cancel_heartbeat() @property def closed(self) -> bool: return self._closed @property def close_code(self) -> Optional[int]: return self._close_code @property def protocol(self) -> Optional[str]: return self._protocol @property def compress(self) -> int: return self._compress @property def client_notakeover(self) -> bool: return self._client_notakeover
[docs] def get_extra_info(self, name: str, default: Any = None) -> Any: """extra info from connection transport""" conn = self._response.connection if conn is None: return default transport = conn.transport if transport is None: return default return transport.get_extra_info(name, default)
[docs] def exception(self) -> Optional[BaseException]: return self._exception
[docs] async def ping(self, message: bytes = b"") -> None: await self._writer.send_frame(message, WSMsgType.PING)
[docs] async def pong(self, message: bytes = b"") -> None: await self._writer.send_frame(message, WSMsgType.PONG)
[docs] async def send_frame( self, message: bytes, opcode: WSMsgType, compress: Optional[int] = None ) -> None: """Send a frame over the websocket.""" await self._writer.send_frame(message, opcode, compress)
[docs] async def send_str(self, data: str, compress: Optional[int] = None) -> None: if not isinstance(data, str): raise TypeError("data argument must be str (%r)" % type(data)) await self._writer.send_frame( data.encode("utf-8"), WSMsgType.TEXT, compress=compress )
[docs] async def send_bytes(self, data: bytes, compress: Optional[int] = None) -> None: if not isinstance(data, (bytes, bytearray, memoryview)): raise TypeError("data argument must be byte-ish (%r)" % type(data)) await self._writer.send_frame(data, WSMsgType.BINARY, compress=compress)
[docs] async def send_json( self, data: Any, compress: Optional[int] = None, *, dumps: JSONEncoder = DEFAULT_JSON_ENCODER, ) -> None: await self.send_str(dumps(data), compress=compress)
[docs] async def close(self, *, code: int = WSCloseCode.OK, message: bytes = b"") -> bool: # we need to break `receive()` cycle first, # `close()` may be called from different task if self._waiting and not self._closing: assert self._loop is not None self._close_wait = self._loop.create_future() self._set_closing() self._reader.feed_data(WS_CLOSING_MESSAGE, 0) await self._close_wait if self._closed: return False self._set_closed() try: await self._writer.close(code, message) except asyncio.CancelledError: self._close_code = WSCloseCode.ABNORMAL_CLOSURE self._response.close() raise except Exception as exc: self._close_code = WSCloseCode.ABNORMAL_CLOSURE self._exception = exc self._response.close() return True if self._close_code: self._response.close() return True while True: try: async with async_timeout.timeout(self._timeout.ws_close): msg = await except asyncio.CancelledError: self._close_code = WSCloseCode.ABNORMAL_CLOSURE self._response.close() raise except Exception as exc: self._close_code = WSCloseCode.ABNORMAL_CLOSURE self._exception = exc self._response.close() return True if msg.type is WSMsgType.CLOSE: self._close_code = self._response.close() return True
[docs] async def receive(self, timeout: Optional[float] = None) -> WSMessage: receive_timeout = timeout or self._timeout.ws_receive while True: if self._waiting: raise RuntimeError("Concurrent call to receive() is not allowed") if self._closed: return WS_CLOSED_MESSAGE elif self._closing: await self.close() return WS_CLOSED_MESSAGE try: self._waiting = True try: if receive_timeout: # Entering the context manager and creating # Timeout() object can take almost 50% of the # run time in this loop so we avoid it if # there is no read timeout. async with async_timeout.timeout(receive_timeout): msg = await else: msg = await self._reset_heartbeat() finally: self._waiting = False if self._close_wait: set_result(self._close_wait, None) except (asyncio.CancelledError, asyncio.TimeoutError): self._close_code = WSCloseCode.ABNORMAL_CLOSURE raise except EofStream: self._close_code = WSCloseCode.OK await self.close() return WSMessage(WSMsgType.CLOSED, None, None) except ClientError: # Likely ServerDisconnectedError when connection is lost self._set_closed() self._close_code = WSCloseCode.ABNORMAL_CLOSURE return WS_CLOSED_MESSAGE except WebSocketError as exc: self._close_code = exc.code await self.close(code=exc.code) return WSMessage(WSMsgType.ERROR, exc, None) except Exception as exc: self._exception = exc self._set_closing() self._close_code = WSCloseCode.ABNORMAL_CLOSURE await self.close() return WSMessage(WSMsgType.ERROR, exc, None) if msg.type not in _INTERNAL_RECEIVE_TYPES: # If its not a close/closing/ping/pong message # we can return it immediately return msg if msg.type is WSMsgType.CLOSE: self._set_closing() self._close_code = if not self._closed and self._autoclose: await self.close() elif msg.type is WSMsgType.CLOSING: self._set_closing() elif msg.type is WSMsgType.PING and self._autoping: await self.pong( continue elif msg.type is WSMsgType.PONG and self._autoping: continue return msg
[docs] async def receive_str(self, *, timeout: Optional[float] = None) -> str: msg = await self.receive(timeout) if msg.type is not WSMsgType.TEXT: raise WSMessageTypeError( f"Received message {msg.type}:{!r} is not WSMsgType.TEXT" ) return cast(str,
[docs] async def receive_bytes(self, *, timeout: Optional[float] = None) -> bytes: msg = await self.receive(timeout) if msg.type is not WSMsgType.BINARY: raise WSMessageTypeError( f"Received message {msg.type}:{!r} is not WSMsgType.BINARY" ) return cast(bytes,
[docs] async def receive_json( self, *, loads: JSONDecoder = DEFAULT_JSON_DECODER, timeout: Optional[float] = None, ) -> Any: data = await self.receive_str(timeout=timeout) return loads(data)
def __aiter__(self) -> "ClientWebSocketResponse": return self async def __anext__(self) -> WSMessage: msg = await self.receive() if msg.type in (WSMsgType.CLOSE, WSMsgType.CLOSING, WSMsgType.CLOSED): raise StopAsyncIteration return msg async def __aenter__(self) -> "ClientWebSocketResponse": return self async def __aexit__( self, exc_type: Optional[Type[BaseException]], exc_val: Optional[BaseException], exc_tb: Optional[TracebackType], ) -> None: await self.close()