Source code for

import asyncio
import logging
import socket
import zlib
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from import Sized
from http.cookies import BaseCookie, Morsel
from typing import (

from multidict import CIMultiDict
from yarl import URL

from .typedefs import LooseCookies

    from .web_app import Application
    from .web_exceptions import HTTPException
    from .web_request import BaseRequest, Request
    from .web_response import StreamResponse
    BaseRequest = Request = Application = StreamResponse = None
    HTTPException = None

[docs] class AbstractRouter(ABC): def __init__(self) -> None: self._frozen = False def post_init(self, app: Application) -> None: """Post init stage. Not an abstract method for sake of backward compatibility, but if the router wants to be aware of the application it can override this. """ @property def frozen(self) -> bool: return self._frozen def freeze(self) -> None: """Freeze router.""" self._frozen = True
[docs] @abstractmethod async def resolve(self, request: Request) -> "AbstractMatchInfo": """Return MATCH_INFO for given request"""
[docs] class AbstractMatchInfo(ABC): __slots__ = () @property # pragma: no branch @abstractmethod def handler(self) -> Callable[[Request], Awaitable[StreamResponse]]: """Execute matched request handler""" @property @abstractmethod def expect_handler( self, ) -> Callable[[Request], Awaitable[Optional[StreamResponse]]]: """Expect handler for 100-continue processing""" @property # pragma: no branch @abstractmethod def http_exception(self) -> Optional[HTTPException]: """HTTPException instance raised on router's resolving, or None""" @abstractmethod # pragma: no branch def get_info(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Return a dict with additional info useful for introspection""" @property # pragma: no branch @abstractmethod def apps(self) -> Tuple[Application, ...]: """Stack of nested applications. Top level application is left-most element. """ @abstractmethod def add_app(self, app: Application) -> None: """Add application to the nested apps stack.""" @abstractmethod def freeze(self) -> None: """Freeze the match info. The method is called after route resolution. After the call .add_app() is forbidden. """
[docs] class AbstractView(ABC): """Abstract class based view.""" def __init__(self, request: Request) -> None: self._request = request @property def request(self) -> Request: """Request instance.""" return self._request @abstractmethod def __await__(self) -> Generator[Any, None, StreamResponse]: """Execute the view handler."""
[docs] class ResolveResult(TypedDict): """Resolve result. This is the result returned from an AbstractResolver's resolve method. :param hostname: The hostname that was provided. :param host: The IP address that was resolved. :param port: The port that was resolved. :param family: The address family that was resolved. :param proto: The protocol that was resolved. :param flags: The flags that were resolved. """ hostname: str host: str port: int family: int proto: int flags: int
[docs] class AbstractResolver(ABC): """Abstract DNS resolver."""
[docs] @abstractmethod async def resolve( self, host: str, port: int = 0, family: socket.AddressFamily = socket.AF_INET ) -> List[ResolveResult]: """Return IP address for given hostname"""
[docs] @abstractmethod async def close(self) -> None: """Release resolver"""
if TYPE_CHECKING: IterableBase = Iterable[Morsel[str]] else: IterableBase = Iterable ClearCookiePredicate = Callable[["Morsel[str]"], bool]
[docs] class AbstractCookieJar(Sized, IterableBase): """Abstract Cookie Jar.""" def __init__(self, *, loop: Optional[asyncio.AbstractEventLoop] = None) -> None: self._loop = loop or asyncio.get_running_loop()
[docs] @abstractmethod def clear(self, predicate: Optional[ClearCookiePredicate] = None) -> None: """Clear all cookies if no predicate is passed."""
[docs] @abstractmethod def clear_domain(self, domain: str) -> None: """Clear all cookies for domain and all subdomains."""
[docs] @abstractmethod def update_cookies(self, cookies: LooseCookies, response_url: URL = URL()) -> None: """Update cookies."""
[docs] @abstractmethod def filter_cookies(self, request_url: URL) -> "BaseCookie[str]": """Return the jar's cookies filtered by their attributes."""
class AbstractStreamWriter(ABC): """Abstract stream writer.""" buffer_size = 0 output_size = 0 length: Optional[int] = 0 @abstractmethod async def write(self, chunk: bytes) -> None: """Write chunk into stream.""" @abstractmethod async def write_eof(self, chunk: bytes = b"") -> None: """Write last chunk.""" @abstractmethod async def drain(self) -> None: """Flush the write buffer.""" @abstractmethod def enable_compression( self, encoding: str = "deflate", strategy: int = zlib.Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY ) -> None: """Enable HTTP body compression""" @abstractmethod def enable_chunking(self) -> None: """Enable HTTP chunked mode""" @abstractmethod async def write_headers( self, status_line: str, headers: "CIMultiDict[str]" ) -> None: """Write HTTP headers"""
[docs] class AbstractAccessLogger(ABC): """Abstract writer to access log.""" __slots__ = ("logger", "log_format") def __init__(self, logger: logging.Logger, log_format: str) -> None: self.logger = logger self.log_format = log_format
[docs] @abstractmethod def log(self, request: BaseRequest, response: StreamResponse, time: float) -> None: """Emit log to logger."""
@property def enabled(self) -> bool: """Check if logger is enabled.""" return True